Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I feel sick.


1. Michael Jackson has been found not guilty of child molestation. Which is unsurprising, albeit a shame, given the weak evidence. If the crime did in fact really occur despite the acquital, the boy was sold short by his mother. She is truly the
primary cause of why the jury didn't believe the accusations.

2. My coffee is tooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Ick. Does every tea lady in the world belong to a secret society of assasins who use sugar as their weapon of choice? I usually make my own coffee in the mornings, but sometimes, it's just too late...and my mug gets kidnapped, only to be returned as a diabetese-filled trojan horse. What man.


Karen said...

BLEH. and a hex on the man (using the term very loosely).

go pour out your coffee and make another for yourself! we need to reserve your sugar intake for cakes.

stargal said...

so nice, got ppl make coffee for u! i'm so used to the 3-in-1 stuff from my previous company that now i dunno how to bancuh myself. it's either too sweet or too creamy! but i reckon, after a few months of bad coffee, i'd learn to make the perfect one eventually!

Biow said...

dun talk abt kopi.. i hv not been drinking kopi for ages and ages.. only survive on decaf!! once all these pregnancy and bfg over i will savour my kopi-o again!! *gasp*.. another 2 years or so?!!? *boo hoo*..

anyway, u ppl really want MJ to be found guilty? what is Double Jeopardy rule?

Anonymous said...

ah the MJ saga... sometimes i think it's all a scam by MJ (and his publicity team) himself. he's a fading star... looking for attention.

create a scandalous story and poke plenty of holes in the story, hire a "family" to act cranky/greedy/disoriented. this way, he appears as the victim and gets lotsa of sympathy. logical ma, no?

but heh, maybe i think too much! :-)

Spot said...

snowdrop - you make me fat. sob!

biow - double jeopardy rule says that a persopn cannot be charged twice for the same act. also known as having a second bite of the cherry.

evidence and corroboration, in molestation and rape trials, are very tricky issues. how often can you actually find physical evidence and a third party to support your claim?

he may not be guilty in this particular case, but i am convinced enough that he either is a pedophile or has got very serious problems and i would never let any children near him.

ws - wah, such imagination. but no, it definately is not a scam. nobody can be mad enough to say hey, look at me i'm a pervert, look at all the porn in my house, just to get attention. and it's destroyed the "poor me, i'm just peter pan" image that he so desperately wants the public to believe.

Jay said...

Mud, as they say, sticks. He may have been acquitted, but there'll always be the stigma of the accusations hanging over him.

Good luck organising another slumber party with 12-year olds!

And yeah, count yourself lucky that you have a tea lady.

-slurps 3-in-1 coffee-

Biow said...

combining ws's theory and the Double Jeopardy thinghy.. mabbe he hired so that he can't be charged with child molestation ever again?