Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bummed / Weather

Poor man's copyright.

I have a list of whimsical products that I'm too lazy to even try to get off the ground. One of which is:-

A small box of rat's asses.


Imagine sitting at your desk with one of these boxes multi-functionally serving as a paperweight.

Someone rushes in, all frantic and yapping

a) someone's getting fired today!

b) aren't you going for the company's Hari Raya Open House?

c) it's almost review time, why you still blogging?

d) there's a blog war going on...ya, another one!! Eh no, bluff one.

Calmly, disinterestedly, you fish a rat's ass out of the box by its tail.

Look directly into Yapper's eyes, almost but not quite dangling the ass in his face.


Toss the rat's ass back into the box and say:-

I couldn't give a rat's ass.

Clever, no?


In other news, it's 16 degrees in Hobart, Tasmania.

*hugs own heart*



Anonymous said...

heeheehee... crever! and remember the other product - the rubberstamp that would make the perfect xmas present?

*hug* and *shayanglonglong*.

Anonymous said...

Go go go patent it! Eh, your review also coming up ah? Mine too ler. I'd been slacking off as well :(

Anonymous said...

Gonna be real girly of me but.. yuck yuck yuck! Rat's ass?!


Anonymous said...

giggle. I would like a pig mobile to hang from the ceiling.. So each time someone tells me something really stupid I can poke at it and go..

"yeah! and pigs fly!"

(I dun feel as clever) pout...

Anonymous said...

Dear Spot,

Formally requesting permission to adapt your rat's ass clever quip into a full-blown smart-ass comeback with hand gestures.

Look forward to your reply and approval.

The Box

Anonymous said...

heyyy, i usually use that phrase too.

it sounds a hell lot sassier than "i don't give a crap"

Anonymous said...

snowie - that one not my idea lah. reminds me though... i still owe you a rubberstamp for christmas. :)

geekchic - Next month i think. Fortunately, I've only been slacking off by my standards. Not my fault if I'm underutilised. ;)

paul - Hahaha...it's a figure of speech, and a good one, i might add. :D

AJ - Cannot, cannot. The action defeats your words/point. Back to the drawingboard for you...

box - Dear Box, permission granted, only because I'm sooooo curious to see what you're talking about!

Anonymous said...

hedo - I'll send you a box of 'em when I get it patented. :D

Anonymous said...

Yes, very the clever.

I would be curious of the other person's reaction when you actually do it. ;P

Anonymous said...

Then my Zimbabwean colleague would need a boxful of shit sitting on her desk.

Anonymous said...

derek - Well, if the person got all huffy and dumbfounded, I'd toss the rat's ass at him, out of generosity. "ok, ok, fine, have a rat's ass then...i've got a whole box-full after all" :D

jay - Oh, that one no need patent. Just spend some time in the loo, and tadah...Christmas present for Zimbabwean colleague.