Friday, November 18, 2005

Taking Stock

How time has flown.

Yesterday marked a full year since I changed industries after 6 years of legal practice.

I used to have my own sizeable room in the office, with my name on the door and a secretary (albeit shared with a colleague) to screen calls and see to admin housekeeping.

I now sit in a kindergarten-coloured cubicle in full view of the Boss, in a department that has no clerical nor administrative staff.

The drive from work home used to be a 12 minute breeze. Yesterday, I crawled home in 1 hour 15 minutes.

The work used to follow me home and stayed through the weekends. The trollop. Now, it doesn’t even make an appearance for days.

One of the many unwritten tasks of my job function is to receive, file and draw claims for the department’s newspaper subscription. Imagine my parents’ glowing pride. Heh.

But if I’d stayed on, this spot would never have existed.

And the part of my brain most important to me would have withered away.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you chose to leave then..

and reveal to the world that beautiful part of you.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary.. heh.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you gave up something for something else which is more important. Isn't it worth it?

And happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Too bad for the legal world.
Good for the rest of us! :D

Anonymous said...

Takes a man with really big balls to change his life - and his career :) Salute!


Anonymous said...

yeah.. if i didn't change job, i'll still be working 6 full days a week for peanuts.

Anonymous said...

Yay for us. Boo for the legal world. Too bad :D

I'm contemplating a switch of jobs too. Away from the technical line into consultancy. I like the technical line. I think I'm good (fairly) at what I'm doing (at least I hadn't gotten fired yet despite the boo-boos I made). I'm not sure how good I'll be doing consultancy. GULP. Any advice for the novice?

Anonymous said...

WHoo Hoo! for Spot & Snowdropp & Us..

Living your life by your rules is always the best!

Anonymous said...

Hi Spot!

All the best in life! :)

Cheers and luv from Kyels!

Anonymous said...

Your parents and my parents ought to meet up one day for a commiseration dinner.

Anonymous said...

Hey, whatever it is that you now do for a living, I envy you - just going by the long and deep posts you have in your blog.
Me, I've got my nose to the grindstone, meals on the run, no time to update my blog, and not much moolah either! *SOB*