No prizes for guessing who’s been watching America’s Next Top Model.
The recent episode (Channel V, 8pm Mondays) was about
So the girls were told to identify and then accentuate those flaws in a positive manner. But the objective of the shoots was all weird and inconsistent and so we’ll just move on to the point of this post instead.
It often astounds me - though I don’t know why it still should, human nature considered - that people really have a problem with being honest about their faults. I don’t mean that sarcastic self-deprecation, you know, when someone goes “oh but what do I know, I’m just a dumb ho/housewife/lackey/civil servant/etc” when what they actually mean is I rock, bitch.
Neither do I mean those who just can’t help playing that bizarre mind game of pointing out imaginary/exaggerated flaws just so those around them feel obliged to coo and soothe – “No lah, where got” and throw flowers painstakingly spun with rapturous adoration at their feet.
Those people are the kind who don’t think that there’s really anything wrong with how they behave.
I’m talking about putting a mirror to the ugliness of your soul and being honest enough to see and therefore say – That was so unnecessary/mean/bitchy/stupid/intolerant/unfair/unreasonable of me.
I’ve grown up with a legacy of an uncontrollable, violent temper. I’ve felt its effects and I know I’m just as susceptible to being as out of control
I’ve watched my mother cast judgement on the inferior parenting skills of others and it’s all I can do to keep from crawling into fetal position and chanting “People who live in glass houses…”
She martyrs herself as this faultless, generous person who is taken advantage of by all…and it used to drive me insane (sometimes still does)…but I’ve since realised that underlying all that bravado runs the deepest, most crippling guilt and self-doubt.
In understanding that, I cannot condemn her. The guilt is harvest enough. And so I leave her to condemn others in order to feel better about herself.
Isn’t it healthier though, in the long run, to confront the Ugliness That Is You rather than for someone else to finally get through to you and you die of embarrassment or delusion-failure as a result?
Yes, life is already tough as it is and it’s even harder to recognise and admit to the true you. Too bad. It's gotta be done, because that’s what civilisation ought to mean…a constant process of self-examination, self-understanding and then taking the necessary steps to fix the problems. Or at least to mitigate them.
I’ve had the fortune and luxury of time to understand myself. And I’m happier for it because the reflection in the mirror is constant reminder to me to be a better person.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who deserves to face the wall?
I have a runaway temper. Once it sparks, it takes superlative effort not to let my mouth run away with the pointy spoon. I am genetically capable of ruining the mood of the moment by repeatedly pointing out the obvious. When in such rage, I have a vicious need to crush the inferior spirits of its object with the astoundingly glaring fact of said object’s stupidity and then force said object to admit said stupidity by scratching it out in a million lines, in said object’s own dwindling blood.
I am extremely impatient with
1) Illogic
Simply because it’s a waste of my time. If I can be bothered to rationalise my thoughts, you should too. If your illogic has been pointed out, don’t persist. It will be brutal.
2) Emotional paralysis
The time you spend wallowing in spilt/skim/sour/soy milk is inversely proportional to my esteem for you. This is because in such situations I believe myself to be the all-knowing god of impartiality and it’s past time for self-pity, wimp. You may hate me for my brutal assessment now but after the skyrocketing share price of whatever company makes your favourite brand of tissues comes back to normal and you’re laughing again, you’ll see that I was right.
When the above scenarios occur, I suck at diplomacy. Simply because you have failed to give me cause not to continue my love-affair with my opinions. I am therefore unlikely to care if you think that I’m a cold-hearted, arrogant bitch queen of the universe. With Masters of the Universe shoulders, if you must.
I am overly-confident in my ability to consider more than one source of information/perspective and to be impartial. As a result, I tend to think that I usually know best. That wonderful trait expresses itself in my turning into a bossy boots control freak with a tendency to lecture.
Another result of the above is my belief that the fact that we are friends will not deter me from being the first to say aloud “what the hell is wrong with you??” when everyone else is tip-toeing about or keeping quiet. I have a major saviour complex and that compels me to helpfully point out that the buck-naked Emperor has been conned by his tailors. The only consolation I can offer is that I am unlikely to hold my disagreement against you and will usually nag myself to refrain from saying “I told you so” later.
I know. Looks pretty bad.
But recognising the Step-Sister side of me allows for trying to do better. I think I’ve improved a bit with anger management. Baby steps lah. And I’m never shy to apologise if I’m mistaken or got my facts wrong. And I keep trying to remind myself not to lecture…but sometimes, after writing SO MUCH in a fit of indignant passion… very heartache to delete lah.
Anyway. I was talking to Snowie the other day about what my gift would be if I, as a fairy godmother (shaddab), could bestow a single trait in a newborn baby.
So emo hor? And out of character. You’d think I, who suffer fools badly, would value intelligence above all else.
The thing is, I’ve seen too many people believe it very cool or edgy or whatever to have a cause to rant on or be pissed off at. People who cannot get through a conversation without putting down another person teruk teruk. People who cannot tell the difference between describing a fact and getting personal. People who buy into the romanticising of the Angry Young Man or the Tough-as-Nails Chick.
See, you could be supersmart and do all kinds of maths but have no sense of social skills & etiquette or be a brat.
Or you could be supercool and know all kinds of great facts and have a razor mind sharper than sharp but we all know how often those kinds of people skim the line on the side of arrogance. And how much they’re hated.
However. You could be dumb as a dodo, but who's going to have ill-will towards a kind-hearted, good natured dunce?
If one were kind, there would naturally be no bone in one’s body of the prejudiced, intolerant, spiteful, mean, egotistical or selfish variety.
If I were kind, there wouldn’t be a list of flaws up there.
I’m bored now, so I won’t care if this all seemed a little incoherent and stop here.
Oh, and obviously I have a very short attention span. Save Snowie!
save meeeeee.....
(oh. but i dowan to be saved wor. how?!)
mabbe it's the cow that need to be saved?
Precisely what I was thinking about, sort of, when I wrote my last post, although I was thinking more about how to raise Idris with a 'soul' or something along those lines.
Errr.. late at nite. What was I trying to say again?
Oh yes, the faults. My favourite object is my mirror. One wouldn't know, because I hate looking at it. It reminds me of the stuff I've done that I've regretted (e.g. hurtful words I let slip, acts of cruelty, moments of arrogance etc). When these things happen, my first urge is to soothe my ego by talking to someone I trust about it, and expecting a "no laa.. you were right, you weren't being petty/bitchy/stupid etc etc" over a cup of coffee. Because after all, how many friends do we all have that says it as it is? I would give my right arm (not my left, am left-handed.. hehe) for a friend to say: "Look Najah, you were being petty and spiteful. You should be ashamed of yourself." - and then proceed t wag his/her finger at me. But such a friend is rare and even if I do possess such a friend (which I do), said friend is scary. So, back to what I'd do (nowadays at least, it took me a while to get to this point!) after a badly-behaving Najah incident, I keep quiet. I walk around in a daze, replaying the event over and over again in my head, looking for the remote possiblity that I'm over-agonizing this thing that I did, and finally realising that sh*t! I was being a bitch after all.
Then I go into my room, draw the curtains, sit in my corner and let myself feel like a monster.
The good thing for those who want to try this method of self-reflection, it's painful, but the lesson will stick. After a few tries, at least.
excellent method, Najah, i should try that. my propblem is i know EXACTLY what my faults are (well, ok, maybe there are OTHER FAULTS that people have been too 'polite' to point out to me. oh dear) - this includes bad temper, intolerance for stupidity, talking without thinking and hurting people with my words - but i don't do enough to contemplate on it after a bad-snowie incident (because, well honestly, i often feel well justified for shouting at them! but that doesn't excuse the cruelty, i know...), and so, i don't learn to curb it and to be more patient with others, and kinder with my words.
i also have a problem with being a "good friend" - mainly because i fear once i start, i will end up as self-righteous-cruel-tongued-lecturer, and if it leads us to putus kawan, what good is that?! better if we can remain friends and i can then gently, and over a loooong period of time, hopefully point out those flaws and problems in a more effective manner. after all, i tell myself, surely they put up with a whole lot of crap from me, so tis only fair i put up with theirs!!
and that is why i don't wanna be saved from Spot. she keeps me grounded, and full of flaws though she may be, at least she's aware of them, and trying to change (though sometimes, she really can get rather scary!!)
That post and many others made me ponder about myself. I must say that your blog has made me reflect on my own soul and come face-to-face with some of my inner demons. For that, I thank you.
And Snowie, thank you for being my friend and putting up with me all these years. Just to let you know that whatever you have to tell me about my flaws/failings, I will gracefully(hopefully) and gratefully accept them and even tho it may hurt initially, I will not putus kawan with you. A true kawan is one who cares enough to be honest about your flaws/failings/crap and tell you about it to make you see the light. *hugs*
biow - Sob! Sometimes I think that I'm beyond saving. lah. Let me clarify. I don't think I can be saved by just anyone. Only I can do that.
najah - I so agree with that - the absence of stuff, amongst the glut of you-too-can-have-a-superachieving-kid! materials out there, to develop your child's soul. I think my poor friends have heard enough of that lecture from me. :D
boobjuicer - Thank you...see, it's part of my bossy boots saviour complex to lecture the world so that they can fall as madly in love as I am with my opinions.
I think the first step towards successful self-reflection (wah, how motivational-sounding) is to learn how to honestly make fun of oneself. ;)
snowie - You...complete me. *psst.. and had me at hello*
Ok, serious serious.
Badly Behaving Snowie scares me too.
Hit it!
Takkan mungkin kita bertahan
Hidup dalam bersendirian
Panas terik, hujan badai
Kita lalui bersama!
Emo betul. :B
I like Siti!
Wah, spot so romantic.. no wonder snowie cannot run away.
What can I say? You've got a bull's temper and it obviously shows :) BTW why doesn't Snowie have a blog?
Wah. Good one.
And my mom is like that too.
Irks me to no end!
Want to say more but a migraine is stopping me from putting coherent thoughts down.
*psst, i found the spare part to fix my oven! yippeee!
Which is why I am really impressed with you and have always wanted to meet you in person. Really!
Knowing one's own flaws and admitting them and trying to change is never easy. There's this thing called ego/face.
I have been trying to listen more and talk less, but so far, progress has been slow.
I honestly think that I lack the kindness gene. I don't do the Angry Young Man (or even the Tough As Nails Chick) but I can be pretty mean when I don't like someone.
As for the sin of arrogance... -sigh-
as kind as i like to be, kind people often get bullied beyond belief! but i do believe in sincerity.
Paul - Cos she's shy. :D
Wandernut - Welcome back to the world of baked goods! Snowie made Nigella's soft dinner rolls last night. In Nigella we trusted.
Derek - Awww..thanks. It's a date, really, the next trip to S'pre. Haven't been since March.
Jay - That's all right. Your Fairygodmother obviously compensated well enough with her gifts. ;)
AJ - Too true. I believe that nice people rarely win. But at least they're likelier to shrug it off.
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