Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I've never had a pet.

Ok, I lie. Sort of.

Long, long ago, back in the days when it was, inexplicably, quite the rage, my brother and I had coloured chicks. One was purple and the other, orange. Or maybe blue.

Mum gave them back to the auntie at the market, very soon after the novelty wore off.

Imagine how embarrased the poor chicks must have been.

Anyway, since that's the single memory I have of those things, I'll refuse to call them pets.


There once was a bird that regularly sang outside our shophouse everyday. Dad grew fond of it and named it Chee Chee Chao.

Which was really unfortunate, so that's all I'll say about that.

I mean, really.

Chee Chee Chao.


When I was in Australia, I wanted to keep goldfish.

One black and the other, orange.

Their names would have been Mully and Sculder.

And they would have had the wild rampant fish sex that Scully and Mulder should have.

But the thought of cleaning the bowl put me off, so that little fantasy never came to pass.


I'm more a cat person. Dogs are a bit too dumb in their trust. And their saliva stinks.

Unfortunately, not only am I severely allergic to cat fur, Snowie is scared of cats in the embarassing (for an adult), scream & cry kind of way.

Yes. Cats.

Which means I can never have cats and name them Tuna and Sardine. Sigh.


So, since I am denied of naming pets humorously, I shall henceforth call Snowie -


Not original, but so damn farnee!!!


Anonymous said...

hrrmph. snowie is miffed.

so much so she refuses to tell the world (as requested by you) that her dad's dog used to be called kamahili (or kamaheelee?? she doesn't know) brownie ohu-ohu.

or that she would have affectionately called your cats, which she fears, "ah tooo" (with hokkien intonation) and "sa-sar" (in mandarin).

Anonymous said...

(Very sexy) Colleague: I've got two fish.
Me: -plays with hair- Really? What are their names?
Colleague: Fishy...
Me: -rolls eyes-
Colleague: ... and Chippy.
Me: -leaves-

Happened four years ago. True story.

Anonymous said...

One episode had Mulder calling one of his fish Mully (or Molly, it's arguable), so Mully and Sculder is a popular pet name for fans. LOL

They were also the names I was going to go with when I get my own cats. ;-) It's either that, or Spooky and Starbuck.

Anonymous said...

Bwaahahhah! Ah-Too. Piggy, here, piggy, wiggy, piggy, here piggy. ARGH! Damn pig(cat) scratched me! Sorry, Spot, me no likey cats. they scratch, they hiss, they spat. Oh, the feeling's mutual :)

Anonymous said...

erm... but y must the pets always come in 2s? just so that we can name them in pairs?

Anonymous said...

what happened to milkjug the miniature cow!?!

Anonymous said...

That's a petname we had for an ex-colleague of mine. She's a cute little tiny girl. The name stuck. Now she signs off her emails as Porky or Chops.

It's really cute, Snowie.
What's wrong with Porkchops?
Sounds better than 'My Little Pai Guat'.

Mmmmmmm... pai guat... guiness pai guat, pai guat wong, jiu yim pai guat... slurrrpppp....

Anonymous said...

"porkchop" is fine, when one is a "cute little tiny girl"... not when one it a little pig, (not so) slowly becoming a BIG pig!! :)

and LOL at "my little pai guat", but please don't give spot any more ideas!!! as it is, i already sometimes kena called "babi", which is then pretended to be a slip of the tongue when "baby" is meant. a freudian slip, maybe!! now, is that worse than if it is intentional??! :(


Anonymous said...

Snowie is still bestest.

Although I have a soft spot (heh) for Li'l Pai Guat. Sounds better than "My darling Siew Yoke" or "Too Bak".

I like doggies. But I agree dog breath sucks, but there's nothing like unquestioning love and undying loyalty to make up for it.

Anonymous said...

Porkchop?? *laughing until bergolek-golek* Sorry Snowie!Darn farnee I so agree! Piglet No. 2 is "Chubby Chops" or "Chops" for short.

If you want, you can come name all our fishies...:D

Anonymous said...

Porkchop - Pai guat my darling tenderloin, it's perfect, given how much I like to bite you. Aren't you glad I didn't go for Porkbutt. And that I haven't renamed your picture on my sidebar.

Kamahili Brownie Ohu Ohu. That would be a perfect name for a dashund hor?

Jay - You were such a slut, back before you reformed. One with good taste, fortunately.

Bertha - Trust that little X-Files tidbit to lure you out. :) If you do get a Sculder, it just gotta be a ginger cat. Like my imaginary gold goldfish.

Geekchic - You a doggy person, Mandy's mum. p/s: Am I the only person using IE who can't access your site???

Sue - No need. One also can, three also can. Someone I knew had cats called Brandy, Whisky and Rum.

I think I'd like to name a cat Femur.

Hedo - Cannot take credit for your excellent name mah. If your dashund has babies, can you name them Bratwurst, Lap Cheong and Weiner?

Wandernut - Guiness Pai Guat at Wong Poh's is sloberingly yummers. At least I didn't choose to call Snowie Chuii Pei hor?

Porkchop - You senstits lah. I'm saying bubeee. But what's wrong with babi, my succulent Too Bak? Or Bak Hu? Or Too Kar? You know I do a great impression of pork trotters.

Will - Trust the princesses to stick together. :)

Boobjuicer - How many fishies you got? Lilian, Joey, Finshuey Pakgua, Fishsticks, Hamyee.

Can't think of anymore, so you can name favourites only.

Anonymous said...

spot: i think you are the only one. Sorry, I didn't know my distaste for IE's been transferred even to my blog :P No lah, can use lah. I tried a few IEs all over the work place *cough* *cough* and lab too. No problemo at all. Don't ask me to troubleshoot!!!

Anonymous said...

my friend had a dog called Bamboo...

we called him Boobs for short. ^_^


Anonymous said...

(suckling pig)

